The Institutional Strategy (IS) and the Corporate Results Framework (CRF)
Projects supported by the IDB Group should aim to address country priorities as well as IDB Group strategic and sectoral priorities. These priorities have been identified based on an analysis of the region's needs as well as where the Group is best positioned to support countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and to deliver the greatest development impact.
The Institutional Strategy serves as the Group's core strategic guidance and it is complemented by more detailed Country Strategies and sectoral guidance. Monitoring of the Institutional Strategy is carried out through the Corporate Results Framework (CRF), which is the highest-level corporate monitoring tool.
The CRF establishes targets to drive performance in support of IDB Group objectives. It includes a series of operational and organizational targets, including targets for increased mainstreaming of gender, diversity, climate, and institutional capacity considerations. Progress on CRF indicators is reported via the CRF website and the Development Effectiveness Overview.