Fifth meeting of RedCuidar+: Competencies linked to quality care: training, assessment, and certification
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The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the precarious and informal conditions in which a large part of the care activity is carried out. As discussed in previous RedCUIDAR+ meetings, care represents an important occupational field, particularly for women who already undertakes caring roles, though most frequently informally and unpaid, or with low salaries.
In recent years, numerous countries have developed training spaces to form caregiver profiles or improve their care skills, delivering certificates that attest to this 'professionalization'. However, there is a need to advance in the certification of “know-how”. To this end, the interrelation of care policies with systems for the evaluation and certification of work competencies is crucial and strategic.
At this meeting, RedCUIDAR + has proposed a reflection on the challenges related to training and certification of skills in the care sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, also taking into account lessons learned in Europe. The meeting had the following objectives:
• analyze the importance of the certification of labour competencies acquired through training and / or through experience in the development of the care sector and related professions, referring to the advances and obstacles identified in some countries;
• share experiences from countries in the region to identify and standardize the competencies demanded by the labor market in terms of knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes associated with the different care responsibilities (profiles);
• extract conclusions that allow recommending and accelerating changes in public policies, linking the challenges of care to the certification systems of labor competencies, to professionalize caregivers and to empower them to be part of the labor market.

Senior Programme Officer at the Social Policy area of the Eurosocial+ program. Has worked in different European programs and international organizations such as the OEI (Ibero-American State Organization for Education, Science and Culture), focusing on education, professional training, employment and social inclusion, specially on public policies aimed at young people, women and migrants.

Commercial Engineer with a major in Business Administration from Finis Terrae University. Diploma in "Management of Competences in the Public Sector" from the University of Santiago de Chile. Has collaborated in the construction and implementation of the National System for the Certification of Labor Competencies in close relationship with the main representatives of employers and workers, promoting social dialogue between the different sectorial actors. Is currently responsible for managing the communication and deployment strategy of the certification, developing and maintaining the relationship with different actors (public, private, national and international) and implementing the strategy of regionalization of the System accross Chile.

Works at the SENA Labor Competencies Evaluation and Certification Group. Business Administrator, Specialist in Administration and Management of Quality Management Systems, and Specialist in Environmental Management. Professional experience of more than 15 years on topics related to management of labor competencies.
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