Mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes and day centers
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The Inter-American Development Bank, French Development Agency, European Union through its EUROsociAL+ programme, and Central American Social Integration Secretariat are organizing two webinars in the Panorama of Aging and Long-term Care on the steps that are being taken in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Europe to ensure the right to care for dependent elderly persons. In the current situation, with the COVID-19 virus spreading worldwide, long-term care services for dependent persons warrant special attention.
Persons who are functionally dependent constitute the group that is most vulnerable to the pandemic, and in many nursing homes and day centers for the elderly have become the nucleus for spread of the disease, affecting both those who live in or use the facilities as well as those who work there. In addition, in the current situation, caring for older and disabled adults in these facilities is an even more essential service because it eases the burden on the health system that is at its saturation point due to the emergency. At the same time care-givers, mostly women, are in the first line of this emergency. To counter the pandemic, it is important to continue supporting this group of people, both by providing health care and by helping them with their physical and emotional well-being.
The webinar, entitled "Mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes and day centers", will be held on April 30, 2020 at 10:00 am EST (Washington, DC time) . Lourdes Bermejo, Vice President of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology will share the European experience. The Vice Minister for Vulnerable Populations in Peru, Cecilia Esther Aldave Ruiz, will present the steps being taken in that country to reduce the risk of contagion in long-term and daily care facilities. The discussion will be enriched as well by the participation of institutional representatives from the sector in other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe.
The webinar will have simultaneous translation into English.
Event duration: 2 hours.
Access the new section of the Panorama of Aging and Long-term Care, where we concentrate resources, learning materials and online events to face this new situation. Available here:
We invite you to read a related blog on Coronavirus and Older Adults: A Highly Vulnerable Group on Gente Saludable

Lourdes Bermejo es Dra. en Ciencias de la Educación, experta en Gerontología Social y en Intervención Social Integral. Con mas de 30 años de experiencia, incluida la dirección de centros y servicios y la investigación, los últimos 20 trabaja, para entidades publicas y privadas como Consultora Independiente en temas de envejecimiento activo, política gerontológica y social; atención a personas en situación de dependencia y/o discapacidad. Es coach organizacional para la gestión del cambio en instituciones de larga estadía y en centros de cuidados de larga duración. Como educadora es experta en metodologías educativas y autora de numerosas publicaciones y material audiovisual para la capacitación de los profesionales y la sensibilización social. En la actualidad es la Vicepresidenta de Gerontología la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. (SEGG).

Cecilia Aldave Ruiz es bachiller en derecho y licenciada como abogada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Posee un Master en Criminología de la “Université Catholique de Louvain” de Bélgica, con experiencia en el sector público. Se especializa en temas de gobernabilidad, inclusión social (infracción social), género, desarrollo social, gestión pública y descentralización.
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