Environmental and Social Performance Standard 5. Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement Edition 5
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The environmental and social context of the Latin American and Caribbean region has evolved since the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) safeguard policies were developed more than 15 years ago. The Environmental and Social Policy Framework modernizes many of the requirements of those safeguards policies into a comprehensive and consolidated framework that responds better to the environmental and social challenges facing our countries: social inequality, climate change, and the depletion of natural capital. In turn, the new Framework emerges as an opportunity to improve, update, and harmonize environmental and social standards within the IDB group and with other multilateral organizations, so that the borrower must always abide by similar requirements.
The effects of a poorly designed and executed resettlement process are the most negative and consequential impacts that a community, a household, or an individual can suffer. Fortunately, the IDB has extensive understanding and examples of good practices and lessons learned for managing the risks and impacts associated with land acquisition and involuntary resettlement. The IDB course on the Environmental and Social Performance Standard (NDAS) 5 invites you to learn about it and explore some cases in which its activation is required. We hope you enjoy learning.