Environmental and Social Performance Standard 2. Labor and working conditions 9 edition
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The course on the Environmental and Social Performance Standard 2 (ESPS 2), Labor and working conditions studies the importance of the workforce and its contribution to economic growth within frameworks that protect their fundamental rights. Through videos, podcasts, exercises, infographics, and tests, you will learn the importance of maintaining constructive relationships between workers and employers, enjoying fair treatment, and with safe and healthy working conditions, in order to boost the efficiency and productivity of development projects.
- Be an advanced Internet user capable of performing searches, accessing videos, download documents, etc.
- Have and manage a personal email account to receive notifications and be informed of the news of the course.
In this module you will identify the ways in which labor issues may arise in Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) projects; key requirements and methods outlined in Environmental and Social Performance Standard (ESPS) 2; and circumstances where labor risks are likely to arise and select which indicators to use to measure successful management of these risks.
In this module you will identify the IDB’s expectations for borrowers on labor issues under ESPS 2; the standards’ main content, principles and how they differ from previous policies; and the basics of labor management procedures.
In this module you will identify risks to labor rights during the execution and operation of IDB projects; sources of information on labor risks and impacts; and potential alerts to employment issues; also you will assess workplace risks and potential mitigation measures.