Training of human resources for long-term care: learning from the Korean experience
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Demand for long-term services will probably continue to increase in the Latin American and the Caribbean region as a result of population aging. The growth in the number of people with functional dependence could more than triple by 2050, exceeding 27 million. In several countries of the region LTC workers do not receive specific education or training to work in this sector and many elderlies and their families are struggling to attract a retain workers to care for older people dependent on others for care. Comprehensive strategies to develop quality human resources for LTC are needed. Offering quality long-term care is crucial because quality affects health outcomes, autonomy, and life conditions of care-dependent older people and their families.
Join us in our webinar on January 21st, 2021 at 9:00 am EST (Washington DC time) titled “Training of human resources for long-term care: learning from the Korean experience”. In this event, Ph.D. Sang-Baek Chris Kang, Director-General of Global Cooperation of the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) from The Republic of Korea, will present the Korean experience in developing and guaranteeing quality of human resources for its long-term care system. His presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Long-term care practices in Korea have been supported by the law, and long-term care insurance scheme has been operated and managed by the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) from 2008. After more than ten years of practice, Korea still needs elaborations on diverse long-term care policy elements such as education, benefit levels, fees, salary, etc. Among these, long-term care personnel training is one of the seminal elements of long-term care suitability. Caregivers, social workers, nurses, nursing assistants, physical therapists, and occupational therapists can be included in the long-term care personnel taxonomy. The current presentation focuses on the training elements of caregivers and future human resource (HR) strategy for sustainable Ageing in Place (AIP) long-term care paradigm based on Korea's experiences.
If you want to know more about the design and implementation of the Korean long-term care system please visit:

El Dr. Sang-Baek "Chris" Kang es Director General de Cooperación Global del Servicio Nacional de Seguros de Salud (NHIS) de la República de Corea. Cuenta con diversas experiencias de consultoría internacional y creación de capacidad/proyectos ODA con bancos multilaterales de desarrollo: BID, WorldBank, BAD y AfDB. Recientemente completó el proyecto de consultoría de seguros de salud de Nepal, que tiene la intención de aumentar las suscripciones de seguros públicos de las áreas locales. También se unió al comité técnico de salud de la Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social (ISSA). Sus intereses incluyen Big Data, AI, CRVS e infraestructura TIC para servicios de salud ciudadana. Tiene un Máster en Economía de Políticas en la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign, Administración de Empresas PH.D. de la Universidad de Missouri – St.Louis, EE. UU.
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