Third Meeting of the RedCuidar+: Financial Alternatives for Long-Term Care Systems
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The objective of the Third Meeting of the RedCuidar + was to promote exchange between peers and the promotion of good practices in order to advance in the development and strengthening of long-term care systems. The group reflected on the existing challenges in the field of financing based on three cases: the experiences of designing public policies for care of of older people with reduced functional capacity in Peru, Argentina and Europe.

Lucía Cirmi Obón is an Economist (magna cum laude) from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Master's degree in development studies from the International Institute of Social Studies (The Netherlands). She also has a master's degree in public policy by FLACSO Argentina (thesis pending). She is currently untertaking a doctorate degree in economic development at UNQUI. She has worked on the design and coordination of PROGRESAR as well as other public policies, both at the executive and legislative levels. As National Director of Care Policies of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, she coordinates the Inter-ministerial Table of Care Policies. She is a researcher at the CCC, the Ciepp, and a member of Paridad en la Macro, a lecturer at the UBA and at the TEA journalism school. She thinks that all those titles are worthless if they are not put at the service of a more equitable society.

A health and social care economist, José Luis specializes in policies related to aging, the interaction between health and social care, and the economic evaluation of health and social care systems and services. He has participated in several high-profile reviews of the welfare funding system in England, in addition to serving as a specialist adviser on welfare research to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health.