Model of person-centered long-term care for the elderly: The experience of the Basque Country
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In recent years in the sector of care services for the elderly with dependency, there is a growing interest in person-centered care. This approach is recognized internationally as one of the elements needed to ensure quality care either at home, in a day center, or a residence.
Person-centered attention is an integrated and professional model that seeks to support people with dependency so that they can continue to have control in their environment and their daily lives while developing their capabilities. Unlike traditional care models, focused on services determined by uniform procedures and classifications of diseases and degrees of dependence, this model seeks to increase the quality of care with a focus on quality of life.
In this webinar Mayte Sancho will answer the following questions: What is the person-centered care model? How is it different from traditional service-centered models of care? What skills should professionals develop? How can this model in the Basque Country be implemented in gerontological centers and services in Latin America and the Caribbean?
This webinar is aimed at public policy designers, service providers, elderly users, and their families interested in knowing this innovative approach to care. Based on the experience in the Basque Country, the presentation will include specific cases of profiles of people with different levels of dependency and the services they receive based on the model.
For more information about the model, we recommend reading the series of practical notebooks about the person-centered care model available here.
Mayte participated in our Regional Policy Dialogue 2019 “Pillars of Long-term care: How to Build a System”, the videos and presentations of the event can be found here.
Videos of the Matia Foundation recommended by Mayte:
“Yo soy Matia” - Zure Etxea
We invite you to read our related blog on Gente Saludable: Person-Centered Care Model.

Mayte Sancho es psicóloga y gerontóloga. Ha sido funcionaria del IMSERSO durante 30 años, donde tuvo la oportunidad de participar en el proceso de elaboración de la Ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Situaciones de Dependencia. Entre otras labores de investigación, coordinó el primer Observatorio del envejecimiento en España y, en colaboración con el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, la plataforma web “portalmayores” entre 2000 y 2008. Ha sido vicepresidenta de la Sociedad Española de Gerontología y Geriatría. Fue Directora de Planificación en la Fundación Matia hasta el año 2019, donde también se desempeñó como Directora Científica de su Instituto hasta 2017.
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