Caregiver Day. Challenges of informal caregivers in Latin America and the Caribbean
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The population of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is aging and more and more older people will need care and support. At the same time, the supply of care is decreasing. The vast majority of care is provided by women, who experience the negative impact of care on their physical and mental health, and have fewer opportunities to enter the labor market.
Claudia Miranda Castillo will review the current evidence and the challenges regarding the informal care situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly considering the mental health of this group.

Dr. Claudia Miranda-Castillo is a Psychologist, Master in Clinical Psychology and PhD in Aging and Mental Health from University College London (UK). She is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad Andrés Bello, Director of the Millennium Institute for Caregiving Research (MICARE), Associate Researcher of the Millennium Institute for Research in Depression and Personality (MIDAP) and Assistant Editor of the journal Aging and Mental Health.
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