PM4R Professional
You can earn this badge if you successfully complete the course.
What is an instructor-led online course?
The online instructor-led courses are offered in a personalized mode with a limited number of participants per class. Start and finish dates are clearly marked. Besides the online tools used for interaction in the virtual environment, courses provide students with continuous support from a technical assistant, the tutor and a program coordinator, who are experts in the course topics, and are able to offer effective feedback in all course activities and promote relevant discussion.
See the courses list with scholarships for IDB employee
Ask the Education Provider
Geared towards teams comprised of members from project implementing agencies financed by the IDB. For individuals or project teams external to the IDB, below you can find information about our affiliated companies and their contact details (Education Providers). You can contact them for any questions regarding the course delivery.
The program is intended for project teams, and therefore, registration should be done as teams, not individually. The PM4R Certification Training Course was designed and organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as part of the Project Management for Results (PM4R) initiative, aimed at enhancing project management competencies of teams composed of members from executing agencies and liaison bodies.
It is expected that this training will strengthen your project planning and management skills and those of your team. The goal is for the programs under your responsibility to be executed with a focus on results and considering the risks identified through the application of proven project management practices and tools.
The course consists of a 7-week virtual phase integrated with 5 learning modules. These, in turn, are structured into units, with their contents reinforced through a series of individual and group activities that you will complete with the guidance of a tutor. Once this virtual phase is completed, each team should prepare a final project on practical topics covered during the course. The virtual component can be supplemented with two in-person workshops, one at the beginning and one at the end, if your team decides to do so with the tutor.
Upon completing the course, participants should be able to: Identify the Seven (7) Steps of the PM4R Methodology. Explain the different processes for the development of the Seven (7) Steps of the PM4R methodology. Apply the Seven (7) Steps of the PM4R Methodology in the management of their development projects. Demonstrate a personal commitment to achieving team objectives.
En caso de ser una persona o institución externa al BID, y desea realizar este curso, por favor, contacte con alguno de nuestros Education Providers con los que podrá coordinar la impartición del curso.