PM4R Agile
What is an instructor-led online course?
The online instructor-led courses are offered in a personalized mode with a limited number of participants per class. Start and finish dates are clearly marked. Besides the online tools used for interaction in the virtual environment, courses provide students with continuous support from a technical assistant, the tutor and a program coordinator, who are experts in the course topics, and are able to offer effective feedback in all course activities and promote relevant discussion.
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The PM4R Agile Certification for Development Project Management was designed and organized by the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) as part of the Project Management for Results (PM4R) initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This initiative is aimed at enhancing the competencies of teams involved in development and social impact projects.
It is expected that the participants in this training will strengthen their abilities in project planning and management. The goal is to ensure that the programs or projects under their responsibility are executed with a focus on results and the application of proven agile project management practices and tools.
The course begins with an introductory webinar and preliminary activities, followed by a 6-week virtual phase consisting of 5 learning modules. These steps are further broken down into units, and their contents are reinforced with a series of mandatory individual and group activities, which participants will complete with the guidance of a tutor. Once this virtual phase is completed, each team is required to prepare a group assignment, which should be presented in the final week of the course.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as part of its "open knowledge" practice, provides course materials, methodology, the online learning platform, and a list of certified trainers free of charge to individuals interested in taking the PM4R (Project Management for Results) course.
PM4R Education Providers (EP)
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Upon completing the course, participants should be able to:
- Identify the Five (5) Steps of the PM4R Agile Methodology.
- Explain the different processes for implementing the Five (5) Steps of the PM4R Agile Methodology.
- Apply the Five (5) Steps of the PM4R Agile Methodology in the management of their development projects.
- Demonstrate a personal commitment to achieving team objectives.